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Spectrum 5Pack PLA Premium


The matte surface of the prints gives projects a subtle, elegant appearance. 

These filaments have been wound on eco-friendly cardboard spools, making them not only environmentally friendly but also reducing carbon footprint.


The Spectrum 5Pack PLA Premium 1.75mm (5x 0.25kg) includes the following products:

  • Pastello PLA Orange
  • Pastello PLA Atmospheric Blue
  • Pastello PLA Rose
  • Pastello PLA Lemon
  • Pastello PLA Green



• educational projects
• concept and demo prototyping
• industrial design
• interior design


Filament specification:

Filament diameter: 1.75mm ± 0.03mm

Nozzle temperature: 185-215°C

Bed temperature: 0-60°C

Printing speed: 40-150mm/s


Weight: 1.25kg.

5PACK Pastello PLA Filament from Spectrum


Innovative 3D

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