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ABS  Everfil White  Filament from  3DKordo


is a state-of-the-art filament that combines the characteristics of traditional ABS with a matte surface finish and exceptional printability.

 Thanks to its special ABS formulation, it offers all the advantages of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, such as high strength, thermal stability and excellent film adhesion, while minimising common ABS printing problems such as shrinkage and warpage.

 Everfil ABS is designed to provide users with excellent print quality without the need for advanced printer settings.


Filament specification:

Filament diameter: 1.75mm ± 0.03mm

Nozzle temperature: 230-250°C

Bed temperature: 90-110°C

Printing speed: 40-70mm/s
Closed chamber: Recommended 


Weight: 1kg.

ABS - Everfil White - Filament from - 3DKordo


Innovative 3D

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